Compact Denylist Format

status: reliable
Hector Sanjuan (Protocol Labs) GitHub
Marcin Rataj (Protocol Labs) GitHub
Commit History
GitHub ipfs/specs (pull requests, new issue, open issues)

Denylists provide technical means for IPFS service operators to control the content hosted on their nodes.

1. Introduction

A denylist is a collection of items that will be "blocked" on IPFS software.

While this specification is implementation agnostic and just defines the form and syntax supported by the denylist, it is clear that when talking of blocking we are specifically thinking on how to implement it in a way that is efficient and operationally sound. Thus, we are thinking of lists that will grow to be made of billions of items, that will be constantly updated while the application runs, that will be shared and distributed around using IPFS itself and that users should have the power to edit and adjust very easily.

The presented denylist format is the result of careful reflection on such terms. Our list format starts by including an optional header, which provides basic information about the list itself, and can be used to set list-wide options (hints, as we call them). We choose YAML for simplicity, readability, ease of use and parser support.

In our lists, hints are a way of providing additional, optional information, relative to the items in the list that can be processed by machines. For example, a hint can tell implementations about HTTP return codes for blocked items, when they are requested through the gateway. In this original specification we do not define any mandatory or optional hint, but this may be done in the future to support specific features.

The denylist itself, after the header, is a collection of block items and block-item-specific hints. There are different flavours of block items, depending on whether we are blocking by CID, CID+path, Path, IPNS, using double-hashing etc. but the idea is that whether an item is blocked or not SHOULD be decided directly and ideally, prior to retrieval.

We include negative block items as well, with the idea of enabling denylists that are append-only. One of the main operational constraints we have seen is that a single item can cause a full denylist to be re-read, re-parsed and ultimately need a full restart of the application. We want to avoid that by providing operators and implementors with the possibility of just watching denylists for new items without then need to restart anything while new items are added. This also gives the possibility of storing an offset and seeking directly to it after application restarts. negative block items can also be used to make exceptions to otherwise more general rules.

Another aspect that we have maintained in the back of our minds is the possibility of sharing lists using IPFS. The append-mostly aspect also plays a role here, for lists can be chunked and DAG-ified and only the last chunk will change as the file grows. This makes our lists immediately friendly to content-addressing and efficient transmission over IPFS. However, the protocols, subscriptions and list-sharing approaches are rightfully beyond this spec.

Beyond all of that, we put emphasis in making our format easily editable by users and facilitating integrations using scripts and with other applications (unrelated to the implementation of the parsing/blocking inside IPFS). We consciously avoid JSON and other machine formats and opt for text and for space-delimited items in a grep/sed/cut-friendly way. For example, we expect that the following should just work across implementations for adding and blocking something new:

echo /ipfs/QmecDgNqCRirkc3Cjz9eoRBNwXGckJ9WvTdmY16HP88768 >> ~/.config/ipfs/custom.deny

We consciously avoid defining any other API other than expecting implementations to honor blocking what is on the denylist and act accordingly when it is updated. CLI commands or API endpoint to modify list items etc. are outside the scope of this spec. Implementations can decide how much information to provide to users when a request for an IPFS object is blocked.

As a last note, if we take Kubo and the go-ipfs stack as the reference IPFS implementation, we expect the blocking-layer (that is, the introduction of the logic that decides whether an item is blocked or not), to happen cleanly at the NameSystem, path.Resolver and BlockService interfaces (IPNS, IPFS Path and CID blocks respectively).

This specification corresponds to V1 of the compact list format. We have limited the number of features and extensions to a minimum to start working with, leaving some ideas on the table and the door open to develop the format in future versions.

2. Example

The following example showcases the features and syntax of a compact denylist:

version: 1
name: Example IPFSCorp blocking list
description: A collection of bad things we have found in the universe
author: [email protected]
  hint: value
  hint2: value2
# Blocking by CID is codec-agnostic (blocks by multihash).
# Does not block subpaths per se, but might stop an implementation
# from resolving subpaths if this block is not retrievable.

# Blocking by subpath (equivalent rules)

# Block some subpaths with exceptions: last-matching-rule wins (!)

# Block DNSLink domain name

# Block DNSLink domain name and path

# Block IPNS key - blocks wrapped multihash.

# Double-hash CID block using sha2-256 hashing
# base58btc-sha256-multihash(QmVTF1yEejXd9iMgoRTFDxBv7HAz9kuZcQNBzHrceuK9HR)
# Blocks bafybeidjwik6im54nrpfg7osdvmx7zojl5oaxqel5cmsz46iuelwf5acja
# and QmVTF1yEejXd9iMgoRTFDxBv7HAz9kuZcQNBzHrceuK9HR etc. by multihash

# Double-hash Path block using blake3 hashing
# base58btc-blake3-multihash(gW7Nhu4HrfDtphEivm3Z9NNE7gpdh5Tga8g6JNZc1S8E47/path)
# Blocks /ipfs/bafyb4ieqht3b2rssdmc7sjv2cy2gfdilxkfh7623nvndziyqnawkmo266a/path
# /ipfs/bafyb4ieqht3b2rssdmc7sjv2cy2gfdilxkfh7623nvndziyqnawkmo266a/path
# /ipfs/f01701e20903cf61d46521b05f926ba1634628d0bba8a7ffb5b6d5a3ca310682ca63b5ef0/path etc...
# But not /path2

# Legacy CID double-hash block
# sha256(bafybeiefwqslmf6zyyrxodaxx4vwqircuxpza5ri45ws3y5a62ypxti42e/)
# blocks only this CID

# Legacy DNSLink double-hash block
# sha256(bad-domain-name.tld/)

# Legacy Path double-hash block
# Blocks bafybeiefwqslmf6zyyrxodaxx4vwqircuxpza5ri45ws3y5a62ypxti42e/path
# but not any other paths.

3. File syntax

A denylist is a UTF-8 encoded text file made of an optional header terminated with --- and a list of block items separated by newlines (\n). Block items can have optional hints.

Comment lines start with #. Empty lines are allowed.

[block_item1] [optional_hint_list]

# comment
[block_item2] [optional_hint_list]

Lines should not be longer than 2MiB including the "\n" delimiter.

3.2 Block item

A block item represents a rule to enable content-blocking:

Implementations must decide what to do when processing a denylist and an invalid block-item rule is found:

3.2.1 /ipfs/CID

CID-rule: Blocks a specific multihash. If the CID is a V1, it blocks the multihash contained in it (CIDv0s are multihashes already).

When users want to block by multihash directly, they must base58btc-encoded multihashes. This rule does not block subpaths that start at this CID, only the CID itself.

Blocking layer recommendation: BlockService (or PathResolver if wanting to block by path only).

See note in /ipfs/CID/* below, as to why this rule may effectively block all subpaths too.

3.2.2 /ipfs/CID/PATH

IPFS-Path-Rule: Blocks the exact ipfs path that is referenced from the multihash embedded in the CID before attempting to resolve it. It does not block the CID that the path resolves to.

Note /ipfs/CID/path and /ipfs/CID/path/ are equivalent rules.

Blocking layer recommendation: PathResolver.

3.2.3 /ipfs/CID/PATH*

IPFS-Path-Prefix-Rule: Blocks any multihash-path combination starting with the given path prefix. /* includes the empty path. Thus, /ipfs/CID/* blocks the CID itself, and any paths. Examples:

  • /ipfs/CID/* : blocks CID (by multihash) and any path BEFORE resolving.
  • /ipfs/CID/ab*: blocks any path derived from the CID (multihash) and starting with "ab", including "ab"
  • /ipfs/CID/ab/*: equivalent to the above.

Blocking layer recommendation: PathResolver

When the rule /ipfs/CID exists and BlockService-level blocking exists, subpaths of CID will effectively be blocked in the process of being resolved, as we would disallow fetching the root CID, even if the subpath itself is not block. This causes /ipfs/CID to behave like /ipfs/CID/*. In cases where all requests go through the PathResolver, blocking at the BlockService could be disabled. In that case fetching /ipfs/CID would be allowed even if that rule existed, when the process is part of the resolution of a subpath that is not blocked. Implementations can decide which model they want to adopt.

3.2.4 /ipns/NAME

IPNS-rule: Blocks the given IPNS name before resolving. It does not block the CID that it resolves to.

If the IPNS NAME is a domain name, it is blocked directly.

If the IPNS NAME is a CIDv1 (libp2p-key) or b58-encoded-multihash (CIDV0), then the blocking affects the underlying Multihash.

Blocking layer recommendation: NameSystem.

3.2.5 /ipns/NAME/PATH

IPNS-Path-rule: Blocks specifically the IPNS path, before resolving. Equivalent to /ipfs/CID/PATH.

Blocking layer recommendation: There is no good place to implement this rule as the NameSystem only handles IPNS names (without paths), and the path.Resolver only handles already-resolved Paths.

3.2.6 /ipns/NAME/PATH*

IPNS-Path-Prefix-Rule: Same as with the IPFS-Path-Prefix-Rule.

Blocking layer recommendation: There is no good place to implement this rule as the NameSystem only handles IPNS names (without paths), and the path.Resolver only handles already-resolved Paths.


Doublehash-Rule: Blocks using double-hashed item, which can be:

  • (modern) a base58btc-encoded multihash, corresponding to the hash of either:
    • An IPFS-Path: b58-encoded-multihash/P/A/T/H where the multihash is extracted from the CID in /ipfs/CID/P/A/T/H
      • CIDv1 needs to be converted to a raw Multihash in b58 mutlibase. CIDv0 is already a valid b58 Multihash and required no conversion.
      • The /P/A/T/H component is optional and should not have a trailing /.
    • An IPNS-Path:
      • /ipns/NAME when the IPNS name is NOT a CID.
      • The b58-encoded-multihash extracted from an IPNS name when the IPNS name is a CID.
    • The modern Multihash form allows blocking by double-hash using any hashing function of choice. Implementations will have to hash requests using all the hashing functions used in the denylist, so we recommend sticking to one.
  • (legacy) the sha256-hex-encoded hash of CIDV1_BASE32/PATH
    • This is the legacy badbits block anchor format used before this specification was created.
    • When no path is present, the trailing slash must be kept (CIDV1_BASE32/).
    • It can only block by CID and not by multihash, and is tied to sha256 hash function, which makes is inferior to the modern and more future-proof b58-encoded multihash notation which supports use of alternative hash functions.
    • If necessary, CID blocks can be applied to IPNS namespace:
      • IPNS Names work out of the box when represented as CIDV1_LIBP2P-KEY_BASE32/.
      • DNSLink rule can be enforced if matching sha256-hex-encoded hash of (domain with with trailing slash).

In a case where implementation cannot distinguish a double-hashed rule between a b58btc multihash (modern) and a sha256 hex-string (legacy), content blocking system MUST create deny rules for both.

Content filtering of double-hashed entries SHOULD be applied in every logical system acting as NameSystem, PathResolver or BlockService.

In order to check for a matching rule, the PathResolver working with /ipfs/CID/PATH should:

  • (modern) Convert the CID to Multihash and hash b58-multihash/PATH without trailing / with the hashing functions used in the denylist. Match against declared double-hashes.
  • (legacy) Convert the CID to CIDv1Base32 and hash CIDV1BASE32/PATH with the hashing functions used in the denylist. Match against declared double-hashes. An empty path means that the value to hash is CIDV1BASE32/ (with the trailing slash). This is the legacy hashing, the function is sha256 and the matched rules are legacy badbits anchor rules.

The NameSystem (used only for /ipns/*) should:

  • If NAME is a CID (try parsing as CID first), extract the multihash, encode it with base58btc and hash it with the hashing functions used in the denylist. Match against declared double-hashes.
  • Otherwise, assume NAME is a domain name: Hash /ipns/NAME with the hashing functions used in the denylist. Match against declared double-hashes.

The BlockService should:

  • (modern) Convert the CID to b58-encoded-multihash (that is CIDv0) and hash the CID string.
  • (legacy) Convert the CID to CIDV1BASE32/ (keeping the CID codec and adding a slash at the end) and hash it with the hashing functions used in the denylist. Match against declared double-hashes.

The "modern" double-hashed items (b58-encoded-multihash) can be created with existing CLI tools like Kubo:

Convert any CID to its multihash with:

$ ipfs cid format -f '%M' -b base58btc bafybeihrw75yfhdx5qsqgesdnxejtjybscwuclpusvxkuttep6h7pkgmze

Then, create a second multihash to be used in //DOUBLE-HASH rule that will be blocking specific content path under the extracted multihash:

$ printf "QmecDgNqCRirkc3Cjz9eoRBNwXGckJ9WvTdmY16HP88768/my/path" | ipfs block put --mhtype sha2-256 | ipfs cid format -f '%M' -b base58btc

The double-hash rule //QmSju6XPmYLG611rmK7rEeCMFVuL6EHpqyvmEU6oGx3GR8 will block /ipfs/bafybeihrw75yfhdx5qsqgesdnxejtjybscwuclpusvxkuttep6h7pkgmze/my/path.

The QmecDgNqCRirkc3Cjz9eoRBNwXGckJ9WvTdmY16HP88768 is the multihash contained in bafybeihrw75yfhdx5qsqgesdnxejtjybscwuclpusvxkuttep6h7pkgmze.

3.2.8 Negated rules

The specification syntax examples describe a .deny list of items to block (deny).

Block items can be prepended by !, which means that items matching the rule are to be allowed rather than blocked.

This can be used to undo existing rules, but also to add concrete exceptions to wider rules. Order matters, and Allow rules must come AFTER other existing rules.

Implementations should parse rules in general, and match them in inverse order as they appear in the denylist, so an explicit Allow rule will be evaluated before previously defined Deny rules, and can return non-blocked status for an item before further processing.



In this example, /ipns/my.domain stays blocked because the deny rule happens AFTER the allow one.

Implementations MAY reuse denylist format for .allow files, where everything is blocked by default, and only matching items are allowed.

3.2.9 Hints

A hint is an optional key-value metadata duple associated to a block item.

Hints can be defined for the entire denylist when hints map is present in the header, or per item, as space-separated list at the end of a block item:

[block_item] hintA:v1 hintB:v2 hintC:v3

Local hint overrides a global one with the same key name.

4. Denylist integration

4.1 File extension, locations and order

While not pertaining to the denylist format itself, we introduce the following conventions about denylist files when they are stored in the local filesystem:

4.2 Security

4.3 Privacy and User Control

The goal of content filtering is to empower operators of IPFS services with tools to control what content is hosted and processed by their infrastructure.

Implementations SHOULD allow the end user to configure denylists.

The main aspect regarding privacy in the scope of this specification has to do with supporting the use of double-hashing in block items.

Double-hashing is particularly useful when the denylist is meant to be shared. Double-hashing:

4.4 Test fixtures

Denylist parsing and correct behaviour can be tested using the test.deny denylist, which provides example rules and describes the expected behaviour in detail.

In particular, a reference Blocker implementation validator is provided in Go, and can be adapted to other languages if needed.

4.5 Implementations

A. References

Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: